Grass Roots greenkeepers ought to be recognised
Tight budgets, lack of staff, demanding members - these are just everyday problems facing U.K. greenkeepers, not to mention the weather.
They all cope, they all do the job but some give that little bit more. These are the men and women who inspire you and they should be recognised as Unsung Heroes. Our heroes have battled with a re-construction through the winter on Dartmoor, dealt with the restrictions of courses on sites of Special Scientific or Historical Interest, given their time to children with special needs or just, by their generosity of spirit made the job easier for everyone else.
You know who they are. Press the 'Unsung Heroes' button on the homepage of this site and download a nomination form now!
The Greenkeeping category of Terrain Aeration's Unsung Heroes is sponsored by The English Golf Union.
click on this link:- Unsung heroes