Grasses for UK Golf Greens

Press Releasein Golf

Grasses for UK bro_large.jpgThe golf green is the most important surface on the golf course. Greens must be consistently fine and true for putting, yet receptive enough to reward a good approach shot. And then there's the issue of being able to sustain the tens of thousands of rounds that take place on UK courses trying to cater for the keen golfer wanting summer and winter play. For the UK Greenkeeper, the choice of grass species, individual cultivar and their combinations can seem daunting.

There is a balance to be achieved between commercial pressures and environmental issues. Ideally courses these days need to be working toward lower inputs of fungicides and fertilisers as part of their environmental policy. Ultimately a course will be judged on its playing quality, something which can sometimes be difficult to achieve when aiming for a more 'green' approach. It is therefore essential that the right choice of species and cultivars are made to fit the courses management style and strategy.

British Seed Houses' new publication explores the options available to Greenkeepers and offers an explanation of the difference between Fescues and Bents. With a foreword by Leah Brilman, Director of Research & Technical Services at Seed Research of Oregon, this guide details the characteristics of suitable cultivars and puts the case for sowing a purely Velvet Bent mixture.

The brochure is available to download from or to get a printed copy email to

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