Ground breaking Nature Project at Chelsea Flower Show. is proud to debut its ambitious plan to plant 9 trees in every county of the United Kingdom. The first of which will be showcased at this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show as part of a collaboration with Harrison Ovens.

The collaboration will see the two companies work together to promote sustainable and responsible management of woodlands to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our countryside for future generations.
The work done between Harrison Ovens and, which celebrates it's first anniversary at this years Chelsea Flower Show is already having an impact on the development of biodiverse woodlands managed by 9trees.
By donating and planting trees, is not only addressing the global biodiversity and climate crisis but also inspiring and encouraging others to take action and join in the battle to preserve our planet. One small act of planting a tree can inspire an entire community or even an entire nation to take greener and more sustainable actions.
The 9Trees project is an ambitious one- aiming to plant at least 9 trees of native species across every county of the United Kingdom to create a lasting legacy. The project has been has been praised both for its initiative and its ability to support local communities.
This ground breaking project will involve public engagement, research and education to promote sustainable practices within the horticultural sector. The project aims to plant 9 species of native trees in each county, with a focus on those with high wildlife value and those that are climate resilient.
The display at Chelsea Flower Show will feature a variety of trees, including Betulus avellana (commonly known as the common hornbeam), Corylus avellana (hazelnut or filbert tree) and Acer campestre (field maple or hedge maple). The display is designed to teach the public about the importance of trees in our environment.
As part of their commitment to conservation, are investing in the development and implementation of a comprehensive tree planting programme across the UK. This includes working with Landowners and communities to create sustainable woodlands, using species specifically suited to each area.
The project also aims to encourage young people to become more engaged with nature and get involved in horticulture. is providing free educational resources in order to help foster an appreciation for nature, as well as the skills necessary to tend to it properly.
The project is expected to be completed by 2025. To find out more about and their work please visit
Michael Cunningham Director of 9Trees Said:
"We are thrilled to be part of this year's Chelsea Flower Show and we are pleased to report that the response from visitors has been overwhelmingly positive. It is an honour to celebrate our first anniversary with such a prestigious event.
By celebrating this milestone, we hope to inspire others to take action in their communities and join us in creating a lasting legacy of sustainable woodlands throughout the United Kingdom. We look forward to working with local landowners and communities across the UK in order to create a future which is more resilient, diverse and greener."
Tom Mettyear, A Local Landowner that has partnered with 9Trees said:
"We would have never been able to plant without 9Trees"
"The land was originally pastureland and is being turned into an amazing biodiverse woodland which will become an adventure in natural habitat."
"This will create a strong increase in biodiversity and showcase a natural bank for local wildlife and wildflowers to flourish."
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