Hösel Golf Club Drain with Sheltons

Annabel Gilbert in Industry News

Sheltons2With two 18 hole courses Golf Course Manager Chris Raper of Golf Club Hösel in Germany relies on his team of 12 green keepers to maintain the championship status of the club.

The two courses are very different in character one is flat whilst the other is undulating. They both, however, have some drainage problems which the club have decided to tackle in house. After considering using a contractor or hiring in specialist equipment the club decided that owning their own sports turf trenching machinery would give them the flexibility to install drainage when conditions and time allowed.

After investigating all the options available, we decided to import from Sheltons Sportsturf Drainage Solutions in the UK.

"We took delivery of our Shelton Chain Trencher at the end of October and an unusually dry autumn enabled us to trench well into December" said Chris "Owning our own equipment allows us to make the most of any window of opportunity and, with the excellent performance of the machine, we completed our 2011 programme of drainage and new irrigation mains well ahead of schedule".

The Chain Trencher that Chris bought was manufactured by Shelton SDS, who design and manufacture specialist machinery which is engineered with sportsturf in mind, so unlike some more traditional drainage methods, it will leave minimal impact on your facility and get your customers back on the course a mere 24 hours after the work has been completed!

Machines can be bought or hired and they also offer a contracting service, so they have a solution for most people.

Shelton's machines are sold all over the world and the overseas business is growing fast in over 20 different countries.

For more information visit: www.sheltonsdrainage.com

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