Harrogate Week 2012 shaping up nicely
Harrogate Week sees educational workshops and seminars rub shoulders with the trade turf management exhibition BTME and numerous social gatherings. With just over three months to go the programme is shaping up nicely.
Next year is particularly special as it sees the 25th anniversary of BIGGA, and the centenary of Greenkeeping Associations. This milestone is to be celebrated on the evening of Tuesday, January 24th, with a special event being held at the Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate. The evening will provide the ideal opportunity for visitors to socialise, not only with each other, but also with the BIGGA Board of Directors and officials. Exhibitors will also find the opportunity to mingle with the assembled company a must.
2012 will see the 24th consecutive annual event held at Harrogate International Centre, between January 24th to 26th, and everything is well on track to build on the success of the BTME held earlier this year. Last January, despite the tough economic climate, BIGGA delivered a successful exhibition and education programme with overall visitor numbers up by 2.3% on the 2010 exhibition and 2012 looks on track to match that success. Current confirmed exhibitors stand at 98; up 22.5% at the same datum point in 2010 and Hall M is back in play for 2012, boosting the available display space by nearly 1000SqM, of which only 12% remains to be filled. Together with Halls A, B & C, late booking exhibitors, traditionally a third of the total number, still have a good selection of positions and sizes from which to choose but those who delay too long risk disappointment.
It's encouraging that of the 98 confirmed participants five are completely new to BTME and a similar number are returnees after a break from exhibiting.
First time exhibitor Nick Gladstone of Hurrells Specialist Seeds explained, "I've been a visitor for over 10 years and thought about exhibiting for the past three. We want to give greenkeepers a good perception of our family run business and BTME is the only exhibition to do that. 'We didn't take the decision lightly as we've never exhibited before - BTME will be our first professional turf show!" Hurrells has been established for over 50 years, with Nick at the helm for the last 20. Rapid growth has been achieved over the last five years and they're looking to the Golf sector to continue that growth.
The 'Continue to Learn' programme is traditionally innovative, thought provoking and comprehensive and 2012 is no exception. Delegates can choose from Conferences, Workshops and Seminars covering a host of subjects to help Greenkeepers, Course Managers and Club Management in their day to day activities. Subjects covered range from turf maintenance, renovation and rebuilding, through photography and social media, to human resources, IT and management - in excess of 20 different streams of learning that can be booked over five days starting on January 22nd. Further information on the Continue to Learn Education Programme is available on the website www.harrogateweek.org.uk with bookings being taken from the beginning of October.
Client contact - Scott MacCallum, Press Officer - scott@bigga.co.uk
BIGGA, BIGGA House, Aldwark, Alne, York YO61 1UF
Tel: +44 (0)1347 833800 - Fax: +44 (0)1347 833801 - www.bigga.org.uk