His Royal Highness, The Duke of Kent visit to Plumpton College
His Royal Highness was accompanied on the visit by The Lord Lieutenant, East Sussex, Mr Peter Field. In addition to the Principal, guests and civic guests also included the Chairman, Lewes District Council, Councillor Mr David Gray; the Chief Executive, Lewes District Council, Mr John Crawford; The Chairman of Governors of Plumpton College, Mr Mike Atkinson and Plumpton College President, Professor Fred Maillardet.
This formal visit provided His Royal Highness an opportunity to be shown the new building developments at Plumpton College and, in particular, the new Library/Resources Centre, where His Royal Highness met with the College Librarians, Mrs Anne Boryer and Ms Jill Perry.
His Royal Highness viewed a demonstration of Forestry techniques by Mr Paul Collins, Head of Forestry and Arboriculture, along with staff and students. The Royal party and guests were able to observe timber processing techniques, including use of a mobile sawmill, a log splitter and a circular saw, with tree climbing techniques also being demonstrated.
At the College winery, Mr Chris Foss, Head of Wine, gave a brief explanation of the functions of the department and escorted the Royal party on a tour of the facilities, during which His Royal Highness had an opportunity to observe students taking part in a range of practical tasks on the unique wine courses offered at Plumpton College. Mr Peter Morgan, Head Winemaker/Lecturer at Plumpton College explained the science of wine blending and analysis at the Wine Science laboratory.
The Royal party then visited the Horticultural Centre and glasshouses, where Mr David Blackmur, Head of Horticulture and Floristry, Plumpton College introduced groups of Horticultural staff and students undertaking engineering and maintenance work.
The visit included a light lunch, with produce from the College Farm, the menu reflecting locally produced food and drink.