“I’m a lady!”
All ladies working in the turf industry are invited to attend the Women's Forum at Harrogate Week. There was no meeting at SALTEX this year, so come along on to the Education Suite on the first floor of the Harrogate International Centre (above Hall C) on Tuesday 23rd January from 4.30pm until 5.30pm to hear speaker Frank Newberry talk about 'Managing Upwards…managing your boss'.
There'll also be a presentation on interviewing staff so please, make a note in your diaries and come and join us. It's a great networking opportunity, the ideal time to put names to faces, refreshments will be available and there are plans to go out for a drink in Harrogate town afterwards. Don't worry if you haven't been before - you'll receive a very warm welcome.
For further information, please contact Rosie Hancher at BIGGA on 01347 833800
There'll also be a presentation on interviewing staff so please, make a note in your diaries and come and join us. It's a great networking opportunity, the ideal time to put names to faces, refreshments will be available and there are plans to go out for a drink in Harrogate town afterwards. Don't worry if you haven't been before - you'll receive a very warm welcome.
For further information, please contact Rosie Hancher at BIGGA on 01347 833800
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Industry news