January 2019 Pitch Diaries
January, in many respects, is likely to model December fairly closely, with warmer periods giving way to cold snaps, particularly as we head into the second half of the month. This month's diaries look at the pros and cons of each scenario as well as maintenance, machinery and training advice.

January represents the ideal time to engage in planning and education. Along with all other land-based industries, the sportsturf sector faces a number of challenges both in the present as well as on the horizon for the next five to ten years.
Primarily those challenges can be categorised into the following;
- Climatological
- Legislative
- Technological
Engaging in continued professional development at events such as BIGGA's excellent British Turf Management Exhibition over 22nd-24th January is an excellent way to spend time with other like-minded individuals and engage in discussion and events designed to help transfer and expand the industry's knowledge base.
Our diaries are here to offer some guidance on the work required during the coming month. They are not set in stone, and local conditions will determine the work schedule.
Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.
Click here for the diaries.