January 2021 Pitch Diaries

Editorin General Interest

The new year is among us and let's hope with it we have a way through to getting back some "normality" in our lives. I would like to think that, although many will have just experienced a much different Christmas period, it has still been filled with happiness and good feeling, even if we haven't been able to share it with all of whom we would have liked.

Excessive rainfall at Diss Golf Club caused December closures

If fortunate enough to have had a Christmas break, this can be an excellent time for some to switch off from work and recharge ready to go again in the new year. For others, it is some time to step back, away from the day to day duties, and reflect on the previous year and start the planning process for the new year. Either way, hopefully the Christmas period has given everyone that much needed break and now 2021 can be tackled head on.

Early January looks forecast to have favourable conditions, moving away from the wet weather that is given for the end of December, rounding off a very wet end to the year, which has seen many sites saturated for lengthy periods of time. Temperatures appear to be moderate for the time of year with an absence of any extremely cold weather. Although grass growth has slowed down, the mild temperatures will still offer some growth, therefore keep monitoring growth potential data and plan accordingly.

At the start of a new year, attention inevitably turns to planning the year ahead. When considering nutritional programmes for the coming months, following an integrated approach will provide the most effective programme. It is not necessarily individual elements of a programme that will provide total success, rather how all the elements interact with each other and how they will achieve the overall goal together that needs to be considered and applied.

In this month's diaries we discuss the inevitable plans for the year ahead; it's not necessarily individual elements of a nutritional programme that will provide total success, rather how all the elements interact with each other. As well as disease and worm advice.

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General interest