Jubilee Wildflowers a magnificent success

Amy Ellinghamin Industry News

WildlfowersWith a celebration Jubilee Picnic planned for mid-July, owners of a substantial garden in Berkshire, decided that red, white and blue wildflowers would add to the backdrop for this magnificent fund raising event.

After advising the owners on the installation of a golf green in their garden, Darren Homer sales manager at Barenbrug UK distributor, Avoncrop Amenity was the natural person to call on for advice. Previous attempts to establish wildflower areas had not flourished and this time the pressure was on to ensure success.

In mid-March this year over 7,000 square metres of Barenbrug's Barflora Flower Meadow mixture and Barcolour were sown at the recommended rates of 4gm per sq m and 1gm per sq m respectively.

Darren takes up the story: "This has been a tremendous project to work on. My client has followed the recommendations to the tee and their attention to detail has really been rewarded. The wildflowers have established very well and, although it's mainly the annuals - corn poppy, white campion and cornflower - that are providing the display this year, we are looking forward to seeing the perennials and bi-annuals playing their part as the wildflower areas progress.

"I believe the key to success is good ground preparation and, at sowing time, allowing the weather to be on the seed. In this instance the turf was removed, rotovated to six inches and then sprayed off with glyphosate. The ground was then slightly consolidated and the seed hand broadcast and rolled to ensure the seed had good contact with the soil. Of course it was very fortunate to have a wet summer period that helped with the establishment. The investment in a bird scarer to protect the seed also played its part!"

Barenbrug's Barflora Flower Meadow mixture is designed to perform well over a wide range of soils with a good range of native British biennial and perennial wild flowers.

Barcolour can be sown on its own or as a colourful supplement to perennial wildflower mixtures. It is easy to grow, and to maintain colour and species differentiation annual reseeding is recommended.

Note to editors: Barenbrug UK headquarters is based at Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 9ND. Telephone 01359 272000, fax 01359 272001, email info@baruk.co.uk or visit www.barenbrug.co.uk.

Image caption: The wildflowers have established well with the annuals - corn poppy, white campion and cornflower - providing the display this year.

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