Latest Software eases set up
The Jupiter Series 5 ATI precision grinders have incorporated new software to provide easy set up procedures when using the automatic grinders. The new version 3 software clearly identifies the various applications available for simple selection, including a dedicated programme for bed knife grinding with variable traverse speed. A new electronic braking facility also adds to the ease and accuracy of set up. A major benefit is the inclusion of a fault diagnostic programme to quickly identify specific errors (ie safety door open) to allow smooth continual operation with minimum interruption.
Any Golf Course that has 25 or more cylinder mower units should seriously look at investing in their own Hunter relief grinder, particularly as Hunter Grinders now offer a range of finance packages to spread the cost over a period of time easing the financial burden. The Series 5 range of grinders from Hunter Grinders include a grinder which will automatically spin, relief and sharpen bottom blades all on one machine. An 'all in one' grinder saves workshop space and engineers time; all resulting in financial savings. It also allows you to grind on demand to account for additional sharpening during heavy top dressing programmes or when damage occurs.
Find out more about the potential savings on grinder options and purchase schemes by coming to stand Number C11 at BTME.
For further information please contact:
Hunter Grinders Ltd
Tel: 01207 270316