Mason's Demonstrations attracts Devon Turf Professionals
Allett was one of four companies invited to present its products at a fine-turf demonstration organised in late October by Devon machinery dealer, Masons of Chudleigh. The other three companies were Sisis, Team Sprayers and Rigby Taylor.
Staged at Culm Vale Bowling Club, Cullompton, the event was attended by more than 50 greenkeepers and committee members from local bowls clubs as well as those responsible for looking after large gardens and estates.
As the 2009 bowls season had ended, the demonstration took place on Culm Vale's green where a selection of fine-turf maintenance machines was put through its paces in front of an enthusiastic and knowledgeable audience.
"We showed our Tournament 20 mower and the C20 interchangeable cartridge head machine," commented Allett sales director, Leigh Bowers. "Great interest was shown in the two machines as they both incorporate features designed to help greenkeepers and other professionals improve the condition of their turf."
All Allett Tournament mowers have as standard a powered grooming reel which helps lift lateral growth immediately in front of the 10-bladed cutting cylinder to produce a cleaner and more consistent cut.
The C20 is the smallest of three Allett C-Range machines which can be equipped with a range of interchangeable cartridge heads for seasonal turf maintenance operations. At the Cullompton demonstration, the C20 was demonstrated with a 10-bladed cutting cylinder and groomer, a verticutter, sorrel roller and brush.
"We were delighted to have been asked to participate in what proved to be a most useful and interesting event for everyone who attended," said Mr Bowers. "The day also produced
requests for demonstrations from several of the visiting bowls clubs and we shall be following these up over the coming months and into 2010."
For further information, please contact:
Allett Mowers
Hangar 5, New Road
Staffordshire ST18 0PJ
Austin Jarrett, Managing Director
Tel: 01889 271503 Mobile: 07880 746034 email:
Leigh Bowers, Sales Director
Tel: 01889 271503 Mobile: 07831 357256 email: