Message from Peter Corbett, Executive Officer

Peter Corbettin Association News

Our Updating Events for 2023 are now underway with great events taking place in Wales and Scotland. At the Scotland Event, we were able to hear from Lorna Slater, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy, and Biodiversity.

The HSE are kindly supporting our events by providing a member of the new Pesticide Enforcement Team to come along and provide information on the new roles and what they are going to be working on in the future.

We are also keen to understand what members want from the Forum and how we can help you or your organisation continue to improve going forward. So will be holding a facilitated session to capture your views. Each Event has a separate sponsor who will be putting on their own presentation prior to lunch along with a session after lunch to look a facilities or cover additional topics; each event programme will be slightly different and we will be sending out the relevant programmes with your booking confirmations.

We still have several events left, including an online event in June. We hope that you will be able to join us in person or online in the coming weeks.

Updating Events 2023

The full programme of events for 2023 has now been confirmed and our thanks go to our headline sponsor Weedfree and the local sponsors for once again helping us to stage these events across the country. We would encourage you to attend these events and invite along colleagues and clients who may find them useful. The programme for this year can be found below, this will be slightly amended depending on the location.

All events are free of charge to attend however, booking is required to attend.

To book a place please send an email to and Kate will book you in.

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Association news