Mobile Lighting Rig - Free Seminar
Mobile Lighting Rig - Free Seminar
Regular readers will be aware of the ongoing trial of a mobile lighting rig at the City of Manchester Stadium.
The rig, developed by Norwegian Company, Mobilt Drivhus AS, has been a great success, so much so that the club has already agreed a purchase.
An open invitation is being extended to Groundsmen and Greenkeepers to attend a free seminar to see a demonstration of the rig.
The seminar is to be held at the City of Manchester Stadium on Wednesday 11th February, commencing at 10.00am. Representatives of the Club and Mobilt Drivhus AS will be in attendance. Lunch is provided.
To book your attendance please click on this link.
Last week, the UK was hit with some very cold temperatures and variable amounts of snow, Lee Jackson has sent in some pictures of the City of Manchester Stadium to show the clear effects that the lighting rig has on the pitch.