Never rains but pours
You know you've got football on the brain when you're more worried about torrential downpours causing the cancellation of training than flooding your house, which just happens to be situated on the edge of a notorious Thames floodplain.
The lack of suitable training facilities for teams in Reading as a whole is frankly pathetic and it always makes me laugh when the borough council manages to delve down the back of the taxpayers' sofa to replace roundabouts with congestion-creating traffic lights (see the A33 relief road) rather than using the money to redevelop brownfield sites for leisure facilities.
So in a bid to save the pristine surface at the Alan Braisher Memorial Ground (Kidmore End Cricket Club to those with Sat Nav) we've been left with no choice but to hire a pitch at Rivermead Leisure Centre - home of a surface with more sand than Brighton Beach and guaranteed to slice through your best pair of joggers quicker than a pond full of rabid Piranha.
The Premier League is of course basking in the comfort of Desso Grassmaster pitches, multi-million pound drainage systems and undersoil heating…speaking of which, one of our centre midfielders who shall remain nameless (*cough* James Curran), has just had a heated floor installed in his kitchen!
Unfortunately the prospect of the Kidmore End changing rooms being treated to a similar upgrade are pretty remote.
However, we are trying to raise money for a new pavilion by 2010, to replace the existing one built in 1953 - the year Ian Fleming published his first Bond novel 'Casino Royale' for those of you struggling to place the era.
We're actively looking for sponsors and fundraisers for the project, so anybody who thinks they can help the oldest remaining club in the Reading and District Sunday Football League please get in touch with me through the Evening Post sports desk.
The bad news is if the slump in the economy continues by the time we've raised enough dosh there'll be no Poles left to the build it.
Just a quick mention for the lads in our first and reserve sides who are well on course to be there or thereabouts for promotion come the end of the season.
It's only November and I'm thinking about the end of season lash-up already. Enjoy your game this weekend and remember respect those referees otherwise you won't have a game to enjoy.
Never rains but pours
By James Day
Source:- Get reading