New 2011 catalogues for MM and Designer grass seed mixtures published
New 2011 catalogues for amenity grass seed mixture brands MM and Designer are now available from Limagrain UK, and include new mixtures and formulations.
The new 2011 Designer range of grass seed mixtures is ideal for contractors, groundsmen and greenkeeprs. In addition to the popular specialist landscape mixtures Prize Lawn and Utility, the Designer range has been expanded to offer a grass seed mixture for every situation.
The new 2011 Designer range now includes: Reclamation - a low maintenance mixture suitable for a wide range of environments; Equipaddock - a flexible grazing and cutting ley designed especially for horses; Quick Sport - a fine dense hard wearing mixture for renovating sports grounds; Elite Green - a fine dense mixture with high disease resistance for golf and bowling greens; Outfields - a fine dense-leaved quality mixture for sports pitches and outfields; Fine tees and Fairways - a non-ryegrass mixture that recovers quickly from damage.
Also new is the 2011 MM catalogue which includes information on the range of high quality MM mixtures, including the popular MM60 mixture for winter sports pitches. MM60 includes the perennial ryegrass cultivar Madrid, which is the No.1 perennial ryegrass cultivar on the STRI list for winter sports use.
Limagrain's Matt Gresty says: "After the hard winter, there's more weather damage and grass kill around than normal, and so extra attention to renovations will be needed to maintain the quality of playing surfaces.
"The MM and Designer ranges are both high quality mixtures with high levels of seed purity and germination which make them a good choice. In addition, since all the MM and Designer mixtures are treated with Headstart, a seaweed extract which helps boost germination and establishment, this gives extra assurance of a good result where conditions are challenging."
For the new 2011 copies of the Designer catalogue or MM Catalogue, contact Limagrain on 01472 371471 or email