New broom sweeps clean
It would take five men hand sweeping an hour. It takes one man with a SweepEx five minutes. We're talking about the versatile SweepEx push broom system with its ability to sweep virtually any material and fast. Fine dust, grain, small stones and pebbles, packaging scrap, metal swarf, mud and even snow, the list is endless.
You simple attach a SweepEx brush to the host vehicle, be it a forklift, loader, telehandler, skidsteer or tractor and away you go. Whatever the industry, there are hundreds of applications where SweepEx cleans up quickly and cost-effectively, reducing manual labour costs by up to 98%. As there are no moving parts there is no danger of flying debris and the whole operation is safe and maintenance free.
No chains, motors or drive belts to fail so there is never any downtime. The unique bristles are designed to sweep up to 450 miles before wearing out and even then it's just a five minute job to change them. The new SweepEx line-up comprises six brooms to choose from for cleaning up industrial and building sites, through to uses in amenity, groundscare and agriculture. Broadwood International 01420 478111