New Event For Scotland's Horticultural Industries
A new event is to be launched this autumn for everyone connected with the horticultural industry in Scotland.
The Oatridge Conference will combine a forum for discussing some of the most pressing issues facing the industry today alongside a trade show.
The conference will take place on Thursday, 26 November at Oatridge College in Broxburn, West Lothian. Key speakers will include the internationally renowned climate change expert, Dr David Reay of Edinburgh University's School of GeoSciences.
Dr Reay, who is a specialist in greenhouse gases, will be addressing the conference on 'Managing Change.'
Amongst those set to attend are landscape designers, growers, golf course managers, garden designers and local authority representatives.
Organiser Martin Dare, said: "The Oatridge event will incorporate ScotGrow, which has traditionally been the trade show for growers in Scotland, with a Conference that will tackle the wider issues of landscape management."
The Oatridge Conference is being supported by a host of trade bodies and environment organisations including: BALI - British Association of Landscape Industries, HTA - Horticultural Trades Association, IOG - Institute of Groundsmanship, IOH - Institute of Horticulture, Lantra Scotland - Skills & Business Development, Scottish Water - Composting & Recycling, WRAP - Waste & Resources Action Programme.