New herbicide labels for hard surface use

Editorin Industry News

image001Compliance with new labelling requirements for the use of herbicides on hard surfaces will help ensure targeted, effective weed control and responsible stewardship by the amenity sector, according to the UK Crop Protection Association (CPA).

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) issued Regulatory Update 42/2011 on 17th November 2011, setting out new label requirements for all herbicides approved for use on non-porous, hard surfaces.

This new label wording represents a change in the amenity weed control industry and CPA stresses that uptake by all professional users is essential. Now the weed control season is in progress, it is essential that products are used responsibly and in accordance with the product label.

Under the new labelling requirements, herbicide application on non-porous, hard surfaces must be targeted rather than applied in a blanket fashion. Professional users must adhere to the product label and therefore blanket spraying on hard surfaces is now unlawful.

Manufacturers were given until May 2012 to update all product labels. Temporary stickers are permitted until November 2012. All products being sold by manufacturers will now have the new wording on the label.

Dr Anne Buckenham, CPA's Director of Policy comments: "Regulatory Update 42/2011 will help to ensure the responsible use of herbicides on hard surfaces. Targeted application on hard surfaces is in line with the EU Directive on the Sustainable use of Pesticides and the EU Water Framework Directive, as herbicide use is minimised, along with the risk of run-off and water pollution."

There are three categories of 'directions for use' wording:

1) Products which act only by contact or systemic action via foliar application;
2) Products which act only in a residual fashion;
3) Products which contain more than one active substance, at least one of which acts by foliar application and at least one of which acts in a residual fashion.

1) Products which act only by contact or systemic action via foliar application:
"Apply this product carefully. Ensure spraying takes place only when weeds are actively growing (normally March to October) and is confined only to visible weeds including those in the 30cm swath covering the kerb edge and road gulley - do not overspray drains".

2) Products which act only in a residual fashion:
"Apply this product carefully. Ensure spraying takes place only to areas of potential weed growth (e.g. gaps between paving stones, kerb edges and road gulleys) and/or a 30cm swath covering the kerb edge and road gulley - do not overspray drains".

There are currently no approved products within this category.

3) Products which contain more than one active substance, at least one of which acts by foliar application and at least one of which acts in a residual fashion:
"Apply this product carefully. Ensure spraying takes place only when weeds are actively growing (normally March to October) and is confined only to visible weeds, areas of potential weed growth (e.g. gaps between paving stones, kerb edges and road gulleys) and/or a 30cm swath covering the kerb edge and road gulley - do not overspray drains".

Use herbicides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

For further information contact:

Dr Anne Buckenham, Director of Policy, Crop Protection Association

T: 01733 355373

M: 07885 264520



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