New Look Seed Catalogue highlights Seed Value
New Look Seed Catalogue highlights Seed Value
British Seed Houses has published its new 2005 turfgrass and wild flora seed catalogue, which highlights the financial benefits from sowing top class seed varieties and mixtures.
The new catalogue incorporates a more user-friendly feel and pinpoints where sowing an Aber* turfgrass variety delivers management regime costs savings: whether it's a reduced mowing requirement, simpler renovation programme or less intensive fertiliser regime.
Amongst the new developments for 2005 is an upgrade for the popular winter sportsground mixture A8. Now called 'Pitch Renovator', the new mixture incorporates the top performing perennial ryegrasses AberImp and Cadix, which combine to deliver unrivalled ground cover, exceptional wear resistance and excellent sward recovery. The mixture also includes the new strong creeping red fescue Adinda - a new variety with good shoot density and disease resistance characteristics with the added benefit of improving sward-binding capacity.
The wild flora section of the catalogue has also been improved, thanks to the inclusion of a simple, one-page mixture selection matrix. Using this new quick reference product selector table, customers should find selecting the right wild flora mixture for their site situation and requirement much simpler, the company says.
The catalogue is free and copies are available by contacting British Seed Houses on their freephone number: 0800 328 8276.