New Masterline ‘Colour Boost’ flower mixtures add impact to any open space
New for 2018 from the Masterline range are 3 exciting new 'Colour Boost' flower mixture formulations designed to create enhanced, attractive amenity spaces. Available in the UK through DLF Seeds, the range also provides an essential food source and habitat for many species of animals and invertebrates, especially pollenating insects.

The mixtures have been designed for maximum floral impact, incorporating both wild flower and garden flowering species, that establish rapidly to deliver a colourful display throughout the whole year. Sowing a colour boost mixture brings many cost savings for the commercial user compared to more traditional bedding schemes - particularly appealing to local authorities and golf courses with increasing pressure on budgets. The mixtures are sown directly onto the final recipient site, requiring little irrigation, fertiliser/chemical application or maintenance throughout the season.
Designed to create a robust and attractive display in any park; open space or golf course, Colour Boost 1, features high impact annuals that are quick to establish and offer a long flowering period from 8 weeks after sowing up until the first frosts. Colour Boost 2 is a low-growing seasonal annuals mix, particularly relevant for areas where final growing height is of paramount importance. Finally, featuring 90% perennial flower species and 10% annual species, Colour Boost 3 high impact perennial mix ensures good adaptability to different growing conditions and provides a colour scheme that changes throughout the season depending on which species are in bloom.
The mixtures within the Colour Boost range feature 100% flower seed which can be notoriously difficult to sow when applying at just a few grams per m2. To combat this and ensure even sowing and correct application rates, the mixtures are sold in conjunction with Rehofix MK1500 corn skin granule - a natural, biodegradable carrier which makes sowing at low application rates easier and saves the more expensive seed mix running out midway through a project.
Pitchcare are an appointed distributor of DLF andJohnson Seed products. Visit the Pitchcare Shop to view the full range