New rules reinforce sustainable pesticide use

Editorin Industry News

Science Live 097The introduction of new rules on the sustainable use of pesticides provide a key opportunity for the industry to work together to demonstrate the highest levels of stewardship and professionalism, says the Crop Protection Association (CPA).

The Government's Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) has confirmed that UK implementation of new EU rules on the sustainable use of pesticides will take effect later this month (18 July) under the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012.

Welcoming the new Regulations, CPA's Director of Policy, Dr Anne Buckenham said: "The legislation coming into force later this month introduces new requirements for users in the amenity sector to minimise pesticide applications in certain situations, while maintaining existing provisions in areas such as sprayer operator certification and guidance. These requirements, coupled with recent label changes for herbicide use on hard surfaces, will help ensure responsible use and maintain the approval of pesticides important to the amenity sector."

Key aspects of the new Regulations for the amenity sector include:

• New requirement for users to ensure that the amount of pesticide used and the frequency of use is as low as reasonably practicable when spraying in certain situations. These include key amenity situations including roads, railways, very permeable surfaces or other infrastructure close to surface and groundwater; sealed surfaces with a high risk of run-off to surface water and sewage systems; areas used by the general public or vulnerable groups; in the close vicinity of healthcare facilities and in conservation areas;

• New requirement for users to give preference to products that pose the least risk to water;

• Continued requirement for sprayer operators to have a certificate of competence;

• Continued requirement for sprayer operators to take "reasonable precautions" to protect human health and the environment when using pesticides (follow existing Codes of Practice).

Further guidance on the new Regulations and their impact on users in the amenity sector is available on the CPA Amenity website at .

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