New Sports Mixtures get a Green Light
An investment of 7 million euros in Research and Development by leading grass seed organisation DLF Trifolium means new material and ideas are guaranteed on a regular basis. One innovation which has already caused a great deal of interest, especially amongst the environmentalists is the development of tiny clovers, known as microclovers. Once seen as a problem in grass swards, whether for professional or recreational use, clover is now being greeted enthusiastically, as seen in MicroClover Sports Mixture from the Pro Range of amenity mixtures.
Many years of breeding and selection have resulted in these revolutionary microclovers which, when sown in a turf mixture can produce outstanding results while at the same time having excellent green credentials! Microclover types have a compact growth and blend well with the sward giving a dense and grassy look. Clover fixes Nitrogen, therefore feeds the grass without the need for added fertiliser. Companion grasses are selected for their slow re-growth, dark colour and disease resistance. Together with excellent drought tolerance, this mixture offers an environmental alternative with the reduced need for both Nitrogen and water. The healthy and dense growth pattern helps to crowd out weeds and prevent new ones establishing so less herbicides too. All this is great news in terms of cost reduction and sustainability.
Also available is the new mixture suitable for all seasons and all weather conditions. All Weather Sports Mixture from the Pro Range heralds a breakthrough in breeding, with turf credentials proven in independent trials. It combines ryegrass, smooth stalked meadow grass and new turf type tall fescue which has been purpose bred for the amenity market to produce a dense but very fine turf which benefits from a strong root system binding the root zone. Recovery rates are high too. This mixture is great for those looking for long term drought tolerance, or the ability to cope well under stress conditions including water logged conditions as well as very good appearance. In fact you could call this an organic astro turf. All Weather has been launched in the Johnsons Lawn Seed range to the consumer market and has had a tremendous reception since arrival in-store this spring.
Green issues, whether of climate change, healthier living or environmental considerations, are becoming increasingly relevant. However we need to use these green matters to our advantage. "Adapting to, and mitigating climate change is not just an environmental concern, but one of the greatest economic opportunities of this century," explains Miranda Harris, Marketing Manager.
For further information please visit the website:
New Priming Technology - Pre-Germ® offers great opportunities
A new priming technology used on Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass offers excellent opportunities for high quality turf mixtures, where wear tolerance is key. Pre-Germ® has many benefits which positively affect germination and is available on a new mixture - J9 Stadia from Johnsons Sports Seed.
Germination is quicker, by up to 7 days, and more uniform which means faster establishment and a more consistent emergence pattern respectively, even at lower temperatures or when soil moisture is reduced. Smooth Stalk is strongly rhizomatous and therefore ideal for a more dense, wear tolerant turf. With its strong spring re-growth, it is a natural repairer for damaged turf.
The Johnsons Sports Seed 2008 Catalogue is available as a download from the website: