New TORO products boost efficiency for turf managers

The new addition to Toro's mid-duty fleet of Workman utility vehicles is the e2065 electric, which replaces the e2050 version. What makes this model so different from its predecessor is its 4-wheel braking system, previously fitted only to Workman petrol vehicles. This gives the new version more efficient braking.
Like its electric forerunner, the new e2065 has all the power and performance of Toro's mid-duty petrol-driven models, but in a quieter, cleaner, more environmentally-friendly package. This is a significant benefit for turf professionals looking to reduce the environmental impact of their fleet vehicles.
Powered by a 48V, 50-amp motor, the e2065 has the muscle to climb hills even when its 363kg (800lb) bed is fully loaded, and can run all day without recharging. High-peak amperage ensures fast acceleration to a maximum speed of 16mph, while regenerative braking provides extra stopping power and recharges the battery.
Should the battery run low, the vehicle automatically retains enough power to get the operator back to base. Batteries are standard 6V T105.
As with all Toro's mid-duty vehicles, the e2065 is fitted with the manufacturer's exclusive 'twister' Active In-Frame Suspension that provides outstanding traction.
The new rear roller unveiled by Toro is for its pedestrian ProCore 648 greens aerator. The attachment is designed to roll the turf after solid tining to ensure surfaces are ready for play immediately.

The ProCore 648 has proved hugely popular in both golf and sports applications because it can core faster than anything else in its class. The self-powered, vertical corer has a large 48in working width that is up to twice as wide as competitors, making the unit highly productive.
The standout feature of the ProCore is that, unlike many other aerators, its wheels are located in front of the tines so that it never runs over the cores.
Toro commercial turf maintenance products are distributed throughout mainland UK by Lely (UK) Limited, 1 Station Road, St Neots, Cambridgeshire (tel: 01480 226800), and in all of Ireland by Lely Ireland Limited, Kilboggin, Nurney, Co. Kildare (tel: 00 353 (0)45 526170).
Photo captions:
e2065Workman :- Toro's new e2065 Workman electric utility vehicle is fitted with a 4-wheel braking system for more efficient braking.
ProCore648Roller :- The new rear roller attachment on the ProCore 648 pedestrian greens aerator flattens turf after coring to ensure play can start immediately afterwards.
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