New UK Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012

Editorin Industry News

The Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012 transpose Directive 2009/128/EC on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides.

The Directive includes a number of provisions aimed at achieving the sustainable use of pesticides by reducing risks and impacts on human health and the environment. These include: the establishment of National Action Plans; compulsory testing of application equipment; provision of training for, and arrangements for the certification of, operators, advisors and distributors; a ban (subject to limited exceptions) on aerial spraying; provisions to protect water, public spaces and conservation areas; the minimisation of risks from handling, storage and disposal; and the promotion of low input regimes (including Integrated Pest Management (IPM)). Progress is to be measured through the use of 'risk indicators'.

New Regulations

A copy of the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012 which come into force on 18 July 2012 (subject to the completion of Parliamentary process), is available now: Link to Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012.

Corresponding domestic regulations are revoked by this new legislation.
Related Information

The new Regulations maintain the UK's existing requirement for those who work with pesticides to hold a certificate. All existing certificates will be recognised under the new regulations until 26 November 2013, after which certain certificates relating to training in the use of vertebrate control products or for food storage purposes will no longer be valid. See the list of recognised certificates that are valid until 26 November 2013. Anyone who has one of these certificates will be meeting their obligations under the new Regulations. The list will be updated before 26 November 2013 to specifically list those vertebrate control/food storage certificates that will continue to be recognised after that date.

A short guidance note is available for those who work with plant protection products and who may be affected by the new regulations.

An Impact Assessment of the new regulations is available.

A formal 12 week public consultation on the policy to be adopted in transposing the Directive was carried out between February and May 2010. Information on that consultation, including a summary of responses and the Government's response to them, is on the National Archives website

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