November 2018 Pitch Diaries
Sports covered are bowls, cricket, rugby, football, golf and tennis.
A generally mild October with good growing conditions has provided opportunity for continued recovery across many areas of the country, especially in the north and west of the British isles. Speaking to turf managers across the south and east comparably lower rainfall in some areas has resulted in stalled recovery from summer drought stress. Maximising any rainfall via the use of penetrant wetting agents and aeration will assist the rehydration process. Something which needs to be encouraged before cold temperatures eliminate opportunities for growth.
With that in mind the forecast for November is for periods of stormy and wet weather interspersed with drier spells and crucially with respects to turf management below average temperatures.
All this, and more, has been considered and advised upon in November's 2018's Pitchcare Diaries.
Our diaries are here to offer some guidance on the work required during the coming month. They are not set in stone, and local conditions will determine the work schedule.
Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.
Click here for the diaries.