Omarv TE 190 Mower Collector delivers return on contractor's investment within six weeks
For Derek Crane, a professional landscape and amenity contractor operating in the Lancashire area, choosing a new mower collector proved a very lucrative move. "It is not always easy to evaluate the true potential of a machine until you actually purchase it and put it through its paces" said Derek "However, sometimes you manage to get it just right."
He recently purchased a new Omarv TE 190 mower collector from Campey Turf Care Systems following a demonstration and it has repaid the investment within six weeks.
"The point I'm making is that the Omarv is by no means the cheapest available, but on the basis of what I was told and shown at the demo, I believed it could prove a very useful piece of kit. As it has turned out the Omarv TE 190 is an immensely strong and incredibly versatile machine. I can honestly say that we have used it constantly since the demo - in fact it never went back." Given the strength of the claim, Derek was asked to explain further.
"We undertake a vast number of tasks to maintain a variety of open spaces," he explained. "One of our major contracts involves the maintenance of a number of small football pitches on a tight budget. The Omarv has proved an invaluable tool to clean off the surface of these pitches, particularly those covered with small stones. It has given us an economic alternative method of fraise mowing requiring only one man for the job. Our season is short but intense and the Omarv TE 190 provided the means to complete the work in the time allowed without employing other more expensive, labour intensive methods."
These medium and compact flail mower collectors; the Omarv TE and TEL models, are designed for use behind compact tractors in the 25 - 55hp range. They are heavy-duty but are still suitable for both grass mowing and light brush cutting. Generally suited to sports field and golf course use, they have a wider use in amenity turf management, where collection is required. There are several versions in each of the TE and TEL ranges with different working widths, giving options for work-rate and available tractor power. All units are PTO driven, and the hoppers are discharged hydraulically from the tractor.
With the options of a scarifier wheel and a selection of flail reels, instead of it being purely a mower collector, the Omarv can scarify, fraise and flail mow, whenever required. "It's not all heavy duty stuff though," said Derek. "We have even used it to reinstate the ground space at Hampton Court following the show, levelling the grass areas and removing every last woodchip! There is no doubt that the performance and versatility of the Omarv TE 190 has fully justified our investment."
At the top end is the TER range of trailed flail mower/collectors designed for use behind tractors in the 50-90hp range. They are extremely heavy-duty and are suitable for both grass mowing and thick brush cutting. While suited to sports field and golf course use, they have a wider use in amenity grassland maintenance and heathland management. Two models are available in the TER range; TER 140 and TER 190 giving options for work-rate and available tractor power. Features include electro hydraulic cutting height adjustment and automatic belt tensioner. Unloading can be carried out directly into trailers or lorries for disposal with their high-tip facility. The draw-bar can be offset by 40cm to allow close mowing to walls and perimeter hedges.
Visit the new website at for more information.