Operation Pollinator free bee guide poster

Mark Sandersonin Industry News

Operation Pollinatior Guide to Bees PosterGolf clubs that sign-up for the Syngenta Operation Pollinator project to provide food and habitat resources for pollinating insects will now receive a free poster of a Guide to Bees of UK and Ireland. The extra-large full colour poster is designed to hang in the clubhouse, to give members and players an indication of what they can look out for around the course.

Syngenta Turf & Landscape Communications Manager, Karen Roberts, reports there has already been great interest in the project's training courses, with more than 200 greenkeepers and course managers attending over the summer. "Those that have already signed up for the project and got going with establishing the pollen and nectar wildflower areas will be sent their posters. We would urge more clubs thinking about habitat creation to sign up now and make this a truly industry-wide initiative."

She believes that Operation Pollinator creates a great opportunity for greenkeepers and club managers to communicate with members and work towards a common goal of improving valuable ecological habitat, as well as providing attractive visual features and enhancing the whole playing experience.

Karen highlights Syngenta has provided a range of resources to help greenkeepers communicate what they are aiming to do to club management and members, as well as tools for clubs to publicise their environmental endeavours to the public and potential new players. "Golfers at clubs involved with Operation Pollinator can take immense pride in where they play, and the knowledge they are making a real ecological difference for the bumblebee and other important pollinating insects.

"The Guide to Bees of UK and Ireland is a further tool to help players engage with what the greenkeeping team are doing and to help them get greater pleasure from their experience out on the course."

Involvement in Operation Pollinator has already generated positive local publicity for clubs across the length of the UK over recent weeks, from the Carnousite Golf Links in Scotland, to North Foreland Golf Club in Kent. Any club that has signed up for the project can use a range of resources and templates specifically created to help them communicate with members and to attract new players to the club.

Operation Pollinator logoFor further information on how to get involved with Operation Pollinator, what it can achieve and the resources available to participating clubs, visit the free turf management website, www.greencast.co.uk

Syngenta will be hosting an Operation Pollinator update meeting at BTME on Wednesday, 25th January 2012 at 3.30pm in the Queen's Suite for all participating clubs and greenkeepers interested in getting involved with the project. One of the key aspects of the project is to provide greenkeepers with the chance to share experiences and information of how to get the best results. For more information email your details to: operation.pollinatoruk@syngenta.com

For further Press Information please contact:
Rod Burke
Syngenta Turf & Landscape
Tel: 01223 883468
Email: rod.burke@syngenta.com

The Operation Pollinator website is: www.operationpollinator.com/golf

For UK specific turf agronomy and product information go to www.greencast.co.uk

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