Patrick Gosset to retire as IOG chief executive

Mike Beardallin Industry News

Patrick Gosset to retire as IOG chief executive


On announcing his plans to retire and return to the West Country, Patrick said: "The IOG is a unique organisation with a tremendous heritage and one in which I can take very great pride in having been associated.

"It has been a great experience working with so many people, both in the Institute and across the wider industry, who are so truly dedicated to their work and to the advancement of their profession."

Patrick joined the IOG in 1996 as its first chief executive, an appointment which transformed the Institute into a professionally-managed organisation and established firm foundations for its subsequent growth and development.

Alex Millar, IOG national chairman, commends Patrick's achievements in developing the IOG, its activities and its services. He said: "Patrick has provided our membership organisation with the sound strategic, financial and marketing acumen that was required to enable us to develop our various products and services in line with the needs and expectations of our members and our industry partners.

"The IOG has gone from strength to strength with Patrick's assistance and although he made us aware last year of his intention to retire after reaching 60, his departure at the end of July this year will be deeply felt across the organisation and his contribution greatly missed."

A new chief executive will be appointed in due course.

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