Planner to simplify irrigation systems
Pop up irrigation systems simplify landscape maintenance
By Roger Morland
The sight of parched lawns during much of the summer has been a constant reminder that Britain's climate is evolving. And, if the experts are to be believed, this trend towards hotter and drier conditions will continue for years to come.
How does this affect those involved in premises management, commercial property development and even domestic new build? Landscaping is now accepted as an important element of the work and living environment. Lawns and beds may have been planned for within original design concepts or upgrades, or could exist already, but has consideration been given to their maintenance and upkeep? Perhaps a contract has been placed with a reputable garden service or instructions left with a homeowner as to how that immaculate layout can be maintained.
With the acknowledged climatic changes irrigation should be an important integral part of those procedures but can this be guaranteed to happen? That's probably asking for the impossible, so irrigation must become a factor in landscape design considerations for both commercial and domestic developments.
Here's where Turf Irrigation Systems can help
Turf Irrigation Systems are experts in the field of irrigation and number amongst their clients such as the Hurlingham Club. Working alongside the landscaper, property owner or developer TIS can design automatic irrigation systems to fulfil the needs of any environment, whether it be a domestic dwelling, public area
A TIS system is not just pipe and guesswork. Standard parts, certainly, but each location is different and will need different amounts of water in each area. So, every system is designed specifically to suit each individual need - considering lawned areas, flower beds, shrubs and ground cover, trees, hedges, vegetable and soft fruit areas where applicable and even the hanging baskets.
The design starts with a controller, suiting the way the system has to operate. Pipe work is designed to channel water in exact quantities for each sprinkler. Pop ups are selected from a range where a full 360 degree arc to, say, 90 degree arc is used to confine water to a specific bed or area. Heads can be chosen to avoid paths and patios.
Pipes are laid underground; out of the way and out of sight. Modern techniques for laying pipes cause minimal disruption to the ground and pop up sprinkler heads are installed below the grass/bed level. These pop up under water pressure when the system starts and, on shut down, disappear back into the ground - safe for mowing, weeding and play.
Sprinklers are also important and selected to suit the job required. Whether it is tiny bubblers for flowerbeds or big gear driven rotary sprinklers for large expanses of grass.
To simplify matters even further, TIS has produced an easy to follow planning guide that can be posted, faxed or e-mailed to them for design and costing proposals.
Easy Operation
The controller is programmed for when and where watering is required; some areas will need less water than others. No problem, areas are zoned into different stations. The controller selects which will be watered and for how long. Sprinkler heads do the rest; having been designed and selected to apply the exact amount of water over the right area and in exactly the right quantity.
For those interested in environmental matters water conservation is a pressing issue and the installation of a TIS sprinkler system will actually help to reduce the problem, providing a better and more sensible use of available water.
So for those about to start new developments incorporating landscaped areas, or for those currently responsible for landscaping and grounds care within existing premises, irrigation requirements should be taken seriously if pristine appearances are to be maintained.
Copies of the planner are obtainable from Turf Irrigation Systems, please call 01425 479232 or e-mail: