Pleasantly successful GLAS Showcase for Groundsman Industries
Following the pleasantly successful Glas Ireland Garden Landscape and Amenity Showcase in Citywest Dublin on the 19th July where we exhibited a range of Groundsman Turf Sod Cutters, Turf Aerators and Soil Core Collectors we travelled south.
Pat Geaney of Geaney & O'Neil who operates his Garden and Sports Turf machinery business out of Glanmire Co. Cork is a man with decades of experience selling and servicing equipment and is not easily impressed. If you want an honest opinion about a piece of kit just ask Pat Geaney but be prepared for a reality check, the answer may not always be what you want to hear. We are delighted that Pat has finally given the thumbs up to the new Grou
ndsman TMC24 and TMC46 two and four wheel drive Turf Sod Cutters and is now stocking both models. Pat who endorsed the highly respected Groundsman 345 pedestrian aerator ten years ago was particularly impressed with the robust design and serviceability of this new product. All the hard work in the Groundsman factory just two hundred and fifty miles up the road in Ballymoney Co Antrim over the past ten years developing and perfecting this product is now really paying off.
These new models have effortless cutting ability in all conditions and have the lowest hand arm vibration levels (HAV) on the market verified by the factory and independently. This is being reflected in growing demand for the product throughout the UK and rapidly growing export sales into Europe, the Middle and Far East. A new distributor has just been appointed in Australia, more news about that coming soon.
Pictures :-
Left: Ellie Parry of Forte Marketing listens on at GLAS as Dan explains the merits of the Groundsman 345HD Turf Aerator
Right: Billy Warke the designer of the product range obviously delighted by the Geaney endorsment.