R & K Kensett Ltd & Arun Mowers – Open Day at Seaford College
R & K Kensett & Arun Mowers are holding an Open Day in conjunction with Syngenta, Scotts, the STRI and DLF Trifoluim at Seaford College on Wednesday 17th February.
There will be talks by John Lockyer and Ruth Mann of the STRI on organic matter control and the spectacular results of Ruth's latest trials; John Noyce of Scotts on the use of Primo Maxx - wall to wall on golf and other sports turf surfaces; Simon Watson of Syngenta on the Rescue product; and Derek Smith of DLF Trifolium (Johnsons Seeds) on the next generation of seed.
Machine demonstrations include the PlanetAir from the US - This is a truly awesome machine which really does have to be seen to be believed. With its unique planetary blade motion, it creates 1,000,000 holes per hour, executing clean lateral growth cuts which stimulate fine textured juvenile vertical shoot growth in the parent plant. This superb venting tool enables rapid water percolation through the soil particles, and delivers oxygen to plant roots and soil microbes. There is absolutely no disruption to play, and the speed at which it works is truly incredible - 18 greens in under 4 hours!!
The Enviromist Sprayers - These have also undergone extensive trials with the STRI who see this technology as the future of spraying. Kim Blake, Head Greenkeeper of Fulford Heath has used the Enviromist SD5000 throughout the whole of last year and will be available to answer any queries on the day. Kim, who has a lifelong experience of spraying has been extremely impressed with the accuracy, contour following abilities and the fact that he can spray in the strongest of winds with this machine.
The Graden Contour Sand Injection with Seeder Attachment - We don't think we need to say anything about the Graden Contour Sand Injection with Seeder - this groundbreaking machine speaks for itself - just come and watch and be blown away!!
The Deep Probe Aerators, GPAir and Gwazae - These incredible machines prevent subsurface pans and compacted soils by injecting blasts of air up to 750mm into the ground. Both machines are now available with liquid injection so that nutrients can be placed exactly where they are needed.
Book now to confirm your place and avoid disappointment as numbers are limited!
View the Open Days Programme:
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Coldstream Road
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Email: info@kensettsports.com