Shockwave rocks the Stone Roses

Charmian Robinsonin Industry News

imantsshockwavebycampeyturfcareOf the numerous events that have been called off this summer due to waterlogged sites, the comeback show byThe Stone Roses in the Phoenix Park in Dublin recently was not one of them.

Thanks to the measures taken by promoters MCD to drain the site of excessive water, the three dayevent went ahead as planned.

Landscaping Contractors Peter O'Brien & Sons (Landscaping) Ltd, who work regularly withMCD, used the Imants Shockwave supplied by Campey Turf Care Systems to drain as much of the surface water at Phoenix Park as possible the week before the gig.

"We help prepare many concert sites with MCD and individual organisers to ensure that the ground conditions are suitable for staging these events" explained Ciaran O'Brien "With the appalling weather conditions over the past months, we have also had to address flooding and drainage issues prior to the gigs rather than as part of the re-instatement following an event."

The Imants Shockwaveis a linear decompactor, designed to revitalise heavy wear areas by relieving soil compaction, improving aeration and removing surface water.

It was put to work over a period of a week. A single pass over the entire site was sufficient to ensure that all the surface water seeped away leaving a surface. Aeration channels would allow any further rainfall to also dissipate quickly.

"It was vital that the surface water was able to disperse so that the organisers could get onto the site to set up the stage, toilets, security facilities etc." said Ciaran "Where there is no main drainage in place the Shockwave provides an excellent short term solution to flooding."

"This site held up particularly well considering it was catering for some 45,000 people at a time. It may have been muddy on the night but the fact that access was achieved at all is a minor miracle."

Further rain also meant that conditions were not dry for the concert goers, but at least, thanks to the Imants Shockwave, they weren't standing ankle deep in water.

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