Sports Relief on South Coast
A SR72 Soil Reliever is helping to relive the pressure on the sports and amenity areas in the East Sussex seaside town of Peacehaven.
Peaceheaven Town Council Head Groundsman, Kevin Bray, is very pleased with the results. 'I have a small team which looks after 4 football pitches, a bowling green and other play and amenity areas. One of our football pitches has recently been re-graded and seeded to meet the required 'county' standards, so our investment in the Soil Reliever was also to ensure we maintain standards going forward. We researched the market, trying different makes, but found the lack of surface disruption from the SR72 was excellent, even when being used in worn goalmouths. We know the benefits of regular deep aeration, so to be able to do regularly with no disruption was a great result for us'.
Kevin has clocked up over 18 years service, during which time he has witnessed at close quarters the increasing pressure on his natural surfaces. 'Our main pitch can get up to 170 uses during the season - but as well as sports we have other compaction issues to deal with - such as compaction of park areas used for car boot sales!'
Kevin is pictured (left) with Jon Cole of supplying dealer JSM Ltd.