State of Scotland’s Greenspace report published

Nina Masonin Parks

The State of Scotland's Greenspace report published by greenspace scotland today shows that Scotland can rightly claim to be a nation of green towns and cities. Urban Scotland is more green than grey, with greenspace covering over half (54%) of the urban land area.

Baxter Park, Dundee

The total area of greenspace in urban Scotland is 1,593km² - that's equivalent to 22 Loch Lomonds or one-third of the area of the Cairngorms National Park. At a more human scale, that translates into a tennis court sized area of 'publicly accessible' greenspace per person.

The State of Scotland's Greenspace report provides data on the amount and type of greenspace for all of urban Scotland. It also examines changes and trends in people's use and attitude to greenspace, and looks at the resourcing of Council parks and open space services.

Key findings include:

  • Scotland's towns and cities are more green than grey - 54% of the urban land area is greenspace
  • The total area of urban greenspace is 1,593km²
  • This equates to 27ha of greenspace per 1000 people (excluding private gardens)
  • 28% of greenspace is classified as private gardens and grounds, with amenity greenspace making up a further 37% - together these two types account for two-thirds of Scotland's greenspace
  • public parks and sports areas (which are the accessible public spaces most often used in daily life) account for 4% and 9% of greenspace respectively
  • Scots love their parks and greenspaces - with over 90% saying it is important to have greenspace in their local area
  • Urban greenspaces are popular outdoor destinations - with nearly half (43%) of urban Scots visiting their local greenspace once a week or more often (but frequency of use has fallen from a peak in 2009 when nearly two-thirds (63%) visited weekly)
  • Whilst most respondents (74%) were satisfied to some extent with the quality of their local greenspace, 40% agreed or agreed strongly that 'the quality of my local greenspace has reduced in the past 5 years' (up from 33% in 2011 - and rising to 50% for respondents from the most deprived areas)
  • The falls in greenspace quality and use, mirror falls in expenditure - with Council expenditure on parks and greenspace falling from £27,814 per 1000 people in 2010/11 to £21,794 in 2015/16

Julie Procter, chief executive of greenspace scotland said: "It's great to see that urban Scotland is more green than grey, but Scotland must not rest on its green laurels; this study raises important questions about the quality of greenspace in our towns and cities. It shows that Scotland's greenspace is not delivering to its maximum potential for our people and our places. Whilst many of our parks and greenspaces are still in good heart, the Report shows we are rapidly approaching a tipping point leading to the downward spiral of reduced maintenance, poorer quality greenspaces and lower levels of use - meaning we are at risk of losing the wonderful health, social and environmental benefits that quality greenspaces provide.

"With the publication of the State of Scotland's Greenspace report, we call on our national and local politicians to reflect and to reassess whether the right investment and management decisions are being made to fully realise the potential of Scotland's greenspace to deliver for Scotland."