Summertime in Manchester?

Keith Kentin Football

Summertime in Manchester?Keith-Kent-2[1].jpg
By Keith Kent

Well I don't know what anyone else thinks but I am afraid that this summer is not going to happen. This is the third year on the trot that we are struggling to see any sunshine. Not only is it so dull but it is really cold up here as well.

We got our end of season work finished despite a week of incessant rain. We had nearly 2inches of rain on the Monday after the cup final. I was looking forward to a bit of cricket across the way but of course they have even less of a chance of play.

It is now nearly mid June and still the wind is from the north and we are only getting 15 C during the day but down as low as 5C at night.

I know we all look back with rose tinted glasses but I am sure we used to get sunshine and warm showers at this time of the year?

When you think that we are asking seed to establish and be ready for games in about 8 or 9 weeks it is asking a lot. Some of the pitches are only now being sown after renovations and those lads would have been hoping for better than this.

It hardly puts you in the holiday mood does it?
We all need a good break this year, after the autumn and winter we had I think that most peoples batteries are worn down. So to all groundsmen go away and have a break, you deserve it and you will feel all the better for it. I myself will take two weeks off. I find it hard to wind down and it is about the first Tuesday of the holiday before you really forget about that phone call you never made or that fertiliser that was a day late!

Here's hoping that summer is just around the corner. May I wish you all a good break.

Yours truly,
Keith Kent

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