Terrain Aeration on the golf course

Tony Hawkinsin Golf

Terrain Aeration has been receiving a marked increase in the number of golf courses requesting their specialist soil compaction and aeration service.

Normal aeration on fairways such as Verti-draining is a fast, short term solution but for many courses recent weather patterns have resulted in the need for much deeper aeration than the usual six to eight inches vertical draining. Such has been the experience at over fifty golf clubs both private and municipal, including Newport Golf Club, Southport and Ainsdale Golf Club, Portsmouth City Council and Sherwood Forest to name but a few. Sittingbourne and Milton Regis Golf Club was the first club to receive the Terrain Aeration treatment and it wasn't until fifteen years later they again had four greens treated for a little waterlogging. Good testament to the fact the system of deep penetration aeration works in relieving compaction, panning and waterlogging without any disruption.

Terrain Aeration offers a deep drill service. Used principally on golf greens and tees, the Terralift machinery drills 16mm diameter, 250mm deep holes on a grid pattern, removing the spoil and facilitating a degree of soil replacement The deep drill treatment improves gaseous exchange and drainage in the top 250mm of the soil beneath the turf, improving turf rooting firmness, rooting depth and durability.

The Terralift machinery used by Terrain Aeration is purpose-built to ensure excellent results without surface disruption or any loss of availability for play. This specialist treatment improves drainage, cures anaerobic conditions and results in improved firmness and rapid drying, ensuring the surface is always available for use. These improvements typically last between ten and 12 years, making the treatment cost-effective, longlasting and completely mess-free.

Terrain Aeration 01449 673783 www.terrainaeration.com