The line marking revolution is here!

Phil Sharplesin Industry News

The line marking revolution is here!

By Philip Sharples Business development manager for Beamrider Ltd


Let's face it; line marking of sports pitches has traditionally and typically been a labour consuming, drawn out process involving the use of pegs, string, tape measures and a wheel to wheel line marker. Things are about to change thanks to a new line marking concept from Beamrider Ltd!

The system, (international patent application pending) is designed to combine laser technology with digital recognition software and will produce perfectly straight lines time after time. It is thought that this new practice will revolutionise current initial marking and over-marking operations for sports surfaces of all types throughout the world.

The Beamrider line marking system will produce perfectly straight lines irrespective of the operators' competence or experience as the technology makes fool proof straight lines the norm as wobbles and kinks are impossible to create. The system will also produce perfect right-angled corners allowing all sports pitches to have their rectangular or square markings perfectly formed and therefore achieve a fair and uniform playing area for each respective sport.laser-line-mark-2.jpg

The Beamrider laser marking system is based on and designed around Fleet's already highly successful 'Kombi' line marker. The operator simply and quickly sets up the laser system then the unique tracking arm mounted on the Kombi sprayer follows the laser beam to form perfect straight lines. The operator simply concentrates on pushing the line marker in a general forward direction and turning on and off the spray paint.

Think of this, you can mark out a perfectly straight 120 metre line in approximately 2 minutes using no string and need worry not about making a wobble or mistake!

Sound interesting? Come and see myself and our official UK distributor, Fleet Line Markers Ltd, on stand E22 at Saltex 2005 for a drink, a chat and to see working demonstrations.

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