Turf Science Roadshows in Scotland – book your place!
Turf Science Roadshows in Scotland - book your place!
Aberdeen Football Club - Tuesday 23rd August 2011
Hampden Park - Wednesday 24th August 2011
Sports turf groundsmen in Scotland are invited to attend one of two free turf science roadshows where a number of key issues will be addressed by Everris (formerly named Scotts), STRI, Syngenta and the Turf Disease Centre.
They will take place at Aberdeen Football Club on Tuesday 23rd August and Hampden Park on Wednesday 24th August 2011. The morning presentations will be followed by lunch and an optional tour of the grounds.
Seminar programme:
9.00 hours Registration/Coffee
9.30 hours Introduction - Gary Smith, Everris
9.45 hours Getting the Balance Right - How to use nutrient and PGR inputs for Perfect Turf! - Simon Barnaby, Everris
10.15 hours Latest Developments in Disease & Nematode Issues; why they occur and how to control them - Dr. Kate Entwistle, Turf Disease Centre
11.00 hours Coffee break
11.15 hours Fungicide Programmes, How to Develop a Programme for Your Turf, Including update on new fungicide: Medallion - Dr. Simon Watson, Syngenta
11.45 hours iTurf - Using Nutritional Programmes to Reduce Turf Disease - Gary Smith, Everris
12.15 hours Managing Organic Matter for Healthier Turf - Dr. Ruth Mann, STRI
13.00 hours Lunch
14.00 hours Stadium Tour (optional)
Places for both venues are limited. If you would like to attend, please email debbie.austin@everris.com, or text your details, venue choice, and ST (if you would like to participate in the stadium tour) to 07788 566388 as soon as possible.
Full address details are shown below:
Aberdeen Football Club, Pittodrie Stadium, Pittodrie Street, Aberdeen AB24 5QH.
Hampden Park, Letherby Drive, Glasgow, G42 9BA.