Twenty questions with Jimmy Kidd

Editorin People

JimmyKidd 2011Jimmy Kidd - loyal and supportive and grudge free, but woe betide you if you drop litter!

Who are you? Jimmy Kidd, Director of DMK Golf Design.

Family status? Married forty-four years to wife June, children David and Tracey.

Who's your hero and why? My father, who went to Burma at the age eighteen to fight for our freedom, cannot comprehend today what that must have taken in terms of courage at such a young age.

What is your dream holiday? Peaceful time on the deck of our second home on The Mull of Kintyre - a sheltered Atlantic Ocean beach site. Or Bellochantuy, at a small bar and conservatory restaurant right on the ocean front.

What annoys you the most? Litter louts who care little for the environment of their own surroundings, or those of others anywhere in this wonderful world.

What would you change about yourself? 'Listen a little better'. I am sure this will be confirmed by those who really know me!

Who wouldn't you like to be? Might seem strange to say, but Tiger Woods right now!

Favourite record, and why? Showing my age with this one I expect? A Nightingale Sang in Barclay Square by Nat King Cole. For reasons of the beauty of the song and the fact that you can find beauty anywhere if you truly look for it.

Who would you choose to spend a romantic evening with? Of course it would be my wife, but Sophia Loren still holds a fascinating older beauty, which is hard not to want the opportunity to appreciate first hand one evening.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Pay off my daughter's mortgage.

If you were to describe yourself as a musical instrument, what would you be and why? When I was young I like to think I might have been a lead violin. Today, definitely a double bass with expanding waistline; less influence in the orchestra, but still playing a part.

What's the best advice you have ever been given? Never judge anyone by the clothes they wear, and never hold a grudge.

What's your favourite smell? The sheer beauty of my sleeping grandchildren after a bath and just before bed.

What do you do in your spare time? I walk, play golf, garden and read books; not mainstream, but those which appeal to me.

What's the daftest work related question you have ever been asked? When I had reached an administration position on the golf business - after twenty five years raking bunkers after heavy rain - the editor of a trade magazine asked me if "I missed it!!"

What's your favourite piece of kit? An excellent pair of waterproofs.

What three words would you use to describe yourself? Loyal, high integrity and supportive.

What talent would you like to have? Musical.

What makes you angry? People who do not take a sensitive approach to youngsters in our business who are trying their best, and need support instead of criticism.

What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? Golf courses and sports field maintenance should exhibit a more natural approach to their operations to restore the balance and protect our futures.

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