Two new products dominated the Charterhouse Turf Machinery

Louise Prettymanin Industry News

Graden CSI Sand Injector 2
Not new to the market but new to Charterhouse is the Graden Contour Sand Injector (CSI). A scarifier/aerator with the ability to scarify to any depth from 1mm to 40mm and simultaneously backfilling the grooves with either sand or a combination of sand and seed to improve drainage and rooting. It works to remove thatch and organic matter that might impede water movement.

It cuts it into the ground deeply compared to a conventional scarifier using 1, 2 or 3mm wide blades nominally at 25mm centres, but variable, to remove such matter and offer stability to the surface of the green. The result is a true level surface with very little sign of any damage with only the parallel grooves visible. The green is playable virtually immediately, certainly within an hour or two.

The Redexim Double Disc Overseeder Range has been extended. Originally launched in a 2.2M width format it was quickly followed, with much acclaim, by a 1.8M width machine at BTME 2014.


It makes a popular return to Harrogate in the form of the Redexim DD1430, a 1.4M wide unit. The concept of the Double Disc range is to deliver seed into the soil via two rows of discs, in slits 3cm apart, to ensure maximum germination.

They bury the seed up to 20mm (3/4") deep in the ground, safely away from the weather and the beaks of hungry birds to ensure maximum germination. A massive 230 litre hopper capacity completes the specification. The whole range comes complete with 3 point linkage as standard but a new trailed wheel kit is available as an option.