Vitax OARS Curative Re-Launched
Vitax Amenity (in conjunction with Aqua-Aid Corporation) re-launches Vitax OARS Curative.
OARS, (which stands for Organic Acid Removal System) breaks down the organic waxy coating that surrounds the soil particle, which is a major cause of water repellence on greens. A situation that frequently leads to localised dry patch.
Joe Crawley, head of Vitax Amenity says that when used within water management/wetting agent programmes on golf greens, the product greatly reduces dry patch disease and helps create faster, drier playing surfaces, especially when included in the 'Dial-in' programme.
"The 'Dial-in' programme involves the mixing of Aqua-Aid penetrant and Aquifer which is a pure hydrating agent, at ratios to suit your green," he explains. "If your green is a USGA rootzone with fast infiltration rates it is best to use less penetrant which will move the hydrating agent through the soil too quickly. 'Dial-in' or mixing to your greens' requirements gives you more control of your soil water management."
For more information visit Vitax Amenity on stand A3 or contact the company on Tel: 01530 510060 web: