We Love Parks Week
If you do anything this summer, be sure to visit your local park. From energetic street dancing, cycling and boot camps to relaxing yoga, tai chi and tree listening. Get an eco-buzz with bugs, bees and butterflies or for the more green fingered wildflowers, food growing and conservation volunteering. Make a splash with fishing, waterslides and pond dipping or for the creative, al fresco art and crafts. Family fun days, global festivals, picnics, open air theatre and foot tapping jazz, blues and folk - we could continue for a long time!
Where else could provide so many different types of events for so many different people, other than our parks and green spaces?
Love Parks Week celebrates just this and will be delivering over 700, mostly free, events set to bring one million people together to experience new things, meet new friends, learn new crafts and explore our natural environment. (See fun A-Z guide - http://www.loveparksweek.org.uk/sites/default/files/LPW%20A%20to%20Z1.pdf).
Mark Camley, Director of Park Operations for the London Legacy Development Corporation said, "The range of activities planned across the country for Love Parks Week is great news for parks and park users. Parks are the most democratic of places providing spaces for activity, relaxation, education as well as offering great health benefits. This year's launch of the Inspire Programme will be a fitting tribute to all the celebrations in 2012 bringing people into parks by staging events linked to the excitement of the Games. I'm excited to say that only a year after the hosting of the 2012 Games, we expect the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to be reopen and host a range of events and activities (as part of Love Parks Week 2013)."
Love Parks Week, now in its sixth year, is a campaign which aims to raise awareness and call for continual reinvestment of green spaces. This year the campaign is also running a Park Health Check to get people to really think about and assess the quality of their local park and encouraging a greater sense of stewardship by creating a Love Parks Club.
Find out what's on in your local area by visiting www.loveparksweek.org.uk, and whilst you're there don't forget to give your Park a Health Check!