Wildflower, Winter Mixtures and your chance to be a winner with DLF on stand J100
Sports, Lawn and Wildflower seed will all be under the spotlight as DLF Seeds return to SALTEX. The technical team will be on hand to provide mixture advice across the Johnsons Sports Seed and Masterline ranges, but also, visitors to stand J100 will have the chance to win innovative tools for effective on-the-spot overseeding, worth over £600!

With sustainability and ecology still very much on the agenda for golf courses and those managing green spaces, the DLF Pro Flora wildflower range has been extended with the addition of 3 Colour Boost mixtures. Designed to deliver maximum colour, diversity and interest, the Colour Boost collection incorporates native wildflowers and garden flowering species to deliver a dazzling floral display throughout the year, whilst providing welcome food and shelter for a variety of wildlife.
With winter approaching, the importance of regular overseeding
cannot be over-emphasised - essential for sward development,
overseeding improves turf quality and can reduce maintenance costs
over the long term. DLF's new turf type tetraploids are ideal for
winter overseeding, bred for rapid germination and establishment
even under low soil temperatures. These 4Turf tetraploids develop a
stronger and deeper rooting system which also improves the
efficiency in which nutrients, including Nitrogen, are utilised.
Incorporated into Johnsons Sports Seed mixtures including J 4Turf
and J Rescue Stadia, the qualities of 4Turf make it suitable for
autumn/winter programmes for football, rugby, golf tees, polo and
To help make the overseeding process more efficient and effective,
DLF have teamed up with ForthRoots to give visitors to SALTEX the
chance to win both the new RyeSeeder and MultiTool. For precision
overseeding, the RyeSeeder features interchangeable tine options
that are designed to fit perfectly into the scars left following
matches or training, to create the perfect bed for placement of
recovery seeding. With double the tines, the ForthRoots MultiTool
is ideal for larger areas - eliminating the need for tractor
mounted-overseeding during the playing season.
Pitchcare are an appointed distributor of Johnsons Sports Seed and Masterline range. Visit the Pitchcare Shop to view the full range