Primo Maxx for shade tolerance
Trinexapac-ethyl is the active ingredient in Primo Maxx II that works by redirecting plant growth. It specifically targets the gibberellic acid site responsible for cell elongation in grass.
Not only does Primo Maxx II inhibit vertical growth, but actually diverts plant growth downward into the root system to produce increased food reserves and lateral stem development. This, in turn, produces a thicker, healthier sward that better equips your turf to withstand temperature extremes, moisture loss, traffic and wear and tear, and even helps in the management of Poa annua.
Primo MAXX II can be used on all well maintained quality turf grass areas such as golf course fairways, golf tees, greens and surrounds. It can also be used to help manage areas which are difficult to mow such as sloping banks or turf edges by flower beds and pavements.
Pitchcare are an appointed distributor of Primo Maxx II