Billy goat cleans up at services

Lance Bassettin Industry News

Billy Goat makes clean sweep at Gordano Services

By Lance Bassett
The Gordano Service Area just south of Bristol on the busy M5 motorway caters for millions of motorists a year. Being on the main route to the South West resorts and the English Riviera, Gordano is a favoured watering hole for some 20,000 drivers and passengers a day.

No wonder then that over the peak eight-week summer season some 12.5 tons of debris needs to be collected. Mainly litter discarded by travellers, the mountain of rubbish has hitherto been rounded-up by brooms and litter-pickers.

Gordano Maintenance Manager Graham Cox saw the need for a mechanised litter collector and has purchased a Billy Goat VQ802SPH Vacuum Sweeper. The VQ802SPH is powered by an 8hp Honda GX engine and has five forward gears.

A 33in (84cm) nozzle can cope with all manner of litter including bottles and cans clearing up to 43,560 square feet an hour. The purchase also included a ride-on 'chariot' towed by the sweeper, plus Turf and Dust Bags and an on-board Hose Kit.

Five operators have now been assigned to the new Vac to keep the service area all Ship Shape and Bristol fashion.

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