RTF Regenerates from bare ground

Carol Duttonin Industry News

RTF Regenerates from bare ground

By Carol Dutton


The ability of RTF (Rhizomatous tall fescue) to self-repair is proving itself following trials in the U.K.

Lindum, who are enjoying brisk sales of their RTF turf, due to the ability of this unique grass to withstand drought, report vigorous re-establishment on recently harvested areas. M.D. Stephen Fell who has seen new shoots appearing, even through the winter period from November to March, attributes the re-growth to rhizomes left in the ground.

"We knew that RTF possessed these characteristics from experience in the US, but we can now see them for ourselves under U.K. conditions," he says. "Once the root system is established, re-growth seems to be quite vigorous, and would be even more so in ideal growing conditions. This bodes well for situations such as goalmouths and linesmen's runs on football pitches; children's play areas and heavy-duty areas in parks and gardens. RTF could be utilised to great effect anywhere which suffers wear and tear during the winter and has a chance to recover in spring."

For further information on RTF Turf or R.T.F. Grassfelt, contact Lindum Turf on Tel: 01904 448675 or visit their website at: www.turf.co.uk

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