STRI and AGCS offer two day training course

Anne Wilsonin Golf


present their first joint training course

at BTME/ClubHouse Jan 2004

STRI and the Association of Golf Club Secretaries have joined forces to present a two day training course for Secretaries, Chairman of Green and GCAdministrators, which complements the BTME/ClubHouse "Continue to Learn" seminars and workshop programmes.

The two-day course "Running Golf Courses in the 21st Century" is a popular programme designed to help Golf Club Secretaries, Chairman of Green and all those involved in managing and administering golf courses. New content has been introduced for 2004 including climate change, managing winter golf, pace on greens and ecology. A representative from the AGCS will present a session on the second day.

Day one will take place at STRI giving delegates the opportunity to combine learning with first hand experience with visits to the trial grounds and research facilities. The second day is in Harrogate at the Moat House Hotel, finishing around 1.30pm in time to spend the after visiting show.

The course which runs from Monday 19th to Tuesday 20th January 2004, costs £290 per person and includes two days training, course notes, refreshments, lunch on the first day, registration and free entrance to BTME/Club House exhibitions. An optional accommodation pack is also available from Sunday the 18th in Bingley.

For bookings contact Gareth Lloyd at STRI on 01274 565131

For further details contact: Anne Wilson on Tel: 01274 565131 or E-Mail:

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