Act now to fight Dry Patch
Now is the time to apply Vitax OARS Curative to help avoid Dry Patch next season in fine turf.
An organic acid removal system that removes the organic waxy coatings that attach to soil particles and cause water repellency leading to dry patch problems in hot weather, OARS Curative also has its own built in wetting agent and can either be used in conjunction with your Water Management Programme or as a stand alone treatment.
Mike King, Vitax's Sales and Marketing Manager is all for using the coming winter weather to the turf manager's advantage. "If the product is applied any time now up to February the rain will help flush the soil and working in conjunction with OARS Curative will help remove the organic particles from the soil structure. By applying early" he says, "you're using the weather to enhance the process."
Easy to apply through standard spray equipment, 2 to 3 applications applied monthly from November to December will give the best results.
Vitax OARS Curative is available in pack sizes of 10 litres with an application rate of 19 litres per hectare.
For further information contact or tel: 01530 510060