Aeration Additives save money by conserving water

Carol Duttonin Industry News
Aeration Additives save money by conserving water
Since hose pipe bans in the South of England were first announced, Terrain Aeration have been injecting water storing polymers as part of their deep, compressed air de-compaction treatment.

Injected on the final air blast and using dried, milled seaweed as a carrier, the polymer crystals travel into the newly created underground fractures and fissures where they are capable of expanding to 100 times their original size following rainfall or irrigation.

Operations Director Lynda Green, who can remember aerating with water storing polymers on Local Authority sports pitches under similar drought conditions in the early to mid 1990s, says that in her experience, the crystals, once in place in the root zone are active for up to10 years.

"The polymers act as an underground reservoir, absorbing water when it is available, ready for use by grass roots during dry periods," she says. "As soon as the water content of the crystals has been exhausted, they will revert to their original size until they are once again replenished. Using this product as part of our deep, compressed air de-compaction treatment ensures that any water available to the root zone is conserved and released over a controlled period. It could mean the difference between buying in water and relying on natural elements "

Water storing polymers are suitable for injection during the company's aeration treatment of all amenity turf including golf courses, sports fields, and parks and gardens. Trees and shrubs, whether established or newly planted are also ideal candidates.

For further information contact Terrain Aeration on Tel: 01449 673783.

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